
2024-05-28 0:41:39 体育 facai888



基本动作和技巧(Basic Moves and Skills)


Dribble(运球): Control the ball while running or walking.

Pass(传球): Move the ball to a teammate.

Shoot(投篮): Attempt to score a basket.

Rebound(篮板): Retrieve the ball after a missed shot.

Layup(上篮): A closerange shot near the basket often using the backboard.


位置和战术(Positions and Tactics)


Point guard(控球后卫): The player who leads the team's offense on the court.

Power forward(大前锋): Usually plays near the basket and is strong both offensively and defensively.

Center(中锋): The tallest player who typically plays near the basket and is responsible for rebounds and shot blocks.

Shooting guard(得分后卫): Focuses on scoring points through shooting and cutting to the basket.

Small forward(小前锋): Versatile players who are good at a variety of skills including shooting and defense.


比赛中的指令(Instructions in the Game)


"Screen left/right" (左侧/右侧的挡拆): A tactic where a player sets a screen to impede the defender's movement.

"Switch" (换防): Changing defensive assignments between players.

"Drive to the basket" (冲向篮筐): Instructing a teammate to move towards the basket with the ball.

"Box out" (卡位盯人): Positioning your body against an opponent to prevent them from getting a rebound.

"Pick and roll" (挡拆进攻): A play involving one player setting a screen for the ball handler and then rolling to the basket.


比赛结束后的常用表达(Common Expressions After the Game)


"Good game" (打得好): Used to show sportsmanship and respect for the opposing team.

"Nice shot" (投得漂亮): Complimenting a successful shot from a teammate or opponent.

"We'll get them next time" (下次我们会赢): Offering encouragement after a loss.

"Great teamwork" (团队合作很棒): Praising the collective effort of the team.

